Fire Alarm Maintenance is an important consideration for any business operating a fire alarm system. How can it not be?
It is vital to ensure that your system continues to operate at optimum standard. We are experienced in both commissioning fire alarm systems and completing their regular Fire Alarm Maintenance requirements. In fact, we are a one-stop shop when it comes to Fire Alarms, offering the service of installing new fire alarm systems by working in conjunction with a fully approved electrician experienced in fire alarm systems. At Right Action, one of the key messages that we can give to our customers is that fire safety equipment is only useful if it works properly when it is needed. Regular Fire Alarm Maintenance is essential so that your system is in tip-top order and ready to save lives when called upon.
Fire Alarm Maintenance – Your Obligations
Fire Alarm Maintenance is covered by British Standard 5839. This provides that your fire alarm system ought to be maintained by a competent person at least twice a year. Given how crucial a fire alarm's role is, this obligation shouldn't really come as any surprise. So, what does this sort of Fire Alarm Maintenance involve? Well, it covers things like making sure that detectors are working and batteries are replaced. It also covers an inspection of the control panel, as well as many other checks that our fully trained engineers would do during their maintenance visit.
Additional to this, you must also do your own checks. The fire alarm should be tested weekly and you really ought to be carrying out a basic check of the system yourself on a monthly basis. For instance, is the panel working OK? Are there any warning messages? Are the call points operating correctly? All these tests should be recorded in a Logbook to keep a clear record of the maintenance that you are doing yourself as the responsible person for the building.
FREE Fire Equipment Check
One click here will
start the process of a
FREE & unbiased check
of all the fire & safety
equipment within your

How can we help?
We would love for you to trust Right Action with your Fire Alarm Maintenance. We are so confident in our service that we don't tie customers into unnecessary fixed term contracts, and we make sure that our pricing is fair with no hidden extras. All our Service Engineers who specialise in Fire Alarm Maintenance are fully trained and qualified with years of experience, so you have peace of mind that they know exactly what they are looking for when taking care of your system. We will also be on-call with easy to contact telephone numbers available to you should something go wrong out of hours. Finally, our in-house Admin team are friendly and personable and we guarantee that we will always remind you when your Fire Alarm Maintenance is due.
In our view, we offer the best of both worlds, providing a local and reliable service to businesses in Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Rutland whilst also offering great value prices due to our strong history and buying power.
Sounds good? Let’s get your Fire Alarm system checked now. Take the Right Action and call our friendly team on 01724 747230.
Or, if you're in a hurry, please fill in the Contact Form and we will be back in touch with you in short order.